The showing of unethically fitted livestock at the Walter Gerlach Livestock Show is prohibited. Unethically fitted animals will be sifted. Unethical fitting is deemed to consist of any method of altering the natural conformation of any part of the animal’s body evidenced by the presence of abnormal tissue or foreign substance. The use of chemicals not approved for market show animals (steers, lambs, swine, goats, poultry, and rabbits) to be used for human consumption will not be tolerated. Undetermined withdrawal times and safety data of tranquilizers are reasons unapproved drugs shall not be used in food animals. Drug residues are human health hazards.
The use of drugs and chemicals in show animals with intent to deceive relative to the animal’s soundness, conformation, body weight, and disposition will not be tolerated. Use of drugs, chemicals, and medications, including medicated feed approved for market animals for human consumption shall not be administered within the withdrawal times prior to the show. Feed and additives that are not FDA approved for a particular species is not allowed during the entire feeding/fitting period. Drug residues from dewormers, insecticides, antibiotics, and antibacterial are human health hazards. Abuse or misuse of drugs and chemicals in show animals by the exhibitor will result in him/her being disqualified from the show.
The exhibitor of any animal in any division agrees to submit the animal to inspection by a veterinarian appointed by the Executive Committee and agrees to have the animal tested for laboratory analysis. The exhibitor, including the parent or guardian, AST or CEA and Superintendent of the division must be present during the collection for testing and must witness, seal, and sign the sample, thus verifying the sample was properly collected and prepared for analysis. The conclusion reached by the veterinarian or lab analysis shall be final and conclusive without recourse against WGLS. The exhibitor waives any right of action which he/she might have for any action taken under this rule.
The exhibitor also releases WGLS and the veterinarian from any and all claims or demands whatsoever in connection with the inspection fitted. The Executive Committee is authorized to permanently bar the exhibitor and his/her family from any further participation in the WGLS. The exhibitor will also forfeit all titles, awards, prizes, and auction proceeds for the current show year.
Any activity deemed as unethical or as an intentional violation of the WGLS rules OR any family or exhibitor banned from other stock shows due to violations determined by the Texas State Stock Show Board or Validation Committee may result in the exhibitor and/or exhibitor’s family being banned from the current show and all future Walter Gerlach Stock Shows. Violation of the WGLS rules may result in forfeiture of all titles, awards, prizes, and auction proceeds for the current show year.