General Rules
It is the responsibility of each exhibitor, parent, guardian, or official adult sponsor to familiarize themselves with all general rules and regulations of the livestock show. Pets are not allowed on the WGLS grounds.
The Executive Board, General and Assistant Show Superintendents, and Divisional Show Superintendents have final and absolute right to interpret these rules and regulations and to arbitrarily settle all matters, questions, and differences regarding the show rules as issues arise. They also have final and absolute right to amend or add to these rules as their judgment may determine necessary. If an exhibitor is found in violation of any of the livestock show rules, the exhibitor and the exhibitor’s family may forever be barred from participating in the Walter Gerlach Livestock Show.
All applications for entries must be made on the official 2025 WGLS Exhibitor Online Entry Form. Each submitted entry must include a valid and current email address, current working phone number, and a current mailing address. All correspondence (including mail) from WGLS will use the information provided on the WGLS Online Entry Form. If a change of contact information occurs after turning in the entry form, the change must be provided to the WGLS Records Committee. Exhibitors must enter under one, but not both, of the invited FFA or 4H organizations: exception Ag Mechanics. A fully completed W9 Form, including the exhibitor’s social security number, must be furnished to submit the entry. The Entry Fee for each animal project (steer, pig, lamb, goat turkey) or pen (broiler, rabbits) or Ag Mechanics Project is $30. Each additional Ag Mechanics Team Member must pay $15. The deadline for entries is November 1, 2024. Entries received after the deadline are considered late. Late entries will be charged a late fee of $100 added to the normal fee. Late entries are accepted up until animal weigh in or check in time of the show. Late entries must be submitted through the online entry form. Late entries submitted during the show (January 18-23) must be submitted in person at the show office and paid using cash only.
A commission of 7% per sale lot will be charged to defray the cost of expenses of the show and sale. Additionally, the 7% commission will be charged on all floored animals, pledges, and add-ons including pledges for ag mechanics projects. Rigorous attempts will be made to collect all monies promised by buyers at the auction. In the event adequate monies are not received within 60 days after the auction, the Board of Directors will determine appropriate action to be taken for the equitable disbursement of funds. If an exhibitor’s relative participates in buying animal lots in the auction, the exhibitor will not be paid until all pledged money is received from the buyer. If the relative fails to fulfill his/her full financial responsibility by April 1, 2025, the exhibitor will be ineligible to show the following year and each year until the obligation is fulfilled. Note: If a bid is placed by any buyer and the money is not collected from the buyer, the exhibitor will not receive this money in his/her auction check.
An exhibitor may show no more than three (3) animal units during the WGLS and may show no more than two (2) animal units per division. Example: An exhibitor may show 2 pigs and 1 steer but not 3 pigs. An animal unit is defined as any auctionable animal or pen. An exhibitor may sell only one animal unit at the auction. Exception: All Grand and Reserve Grand Champions must be sold at the auction. If an exhibitor places more than one (1) Grand or Reserve Grand Champion, the exhibitor must sell all animals that
receive these honors.
An animal unit consists of:
Steer 1
Swine 1
Turkey 1
Broilers (Chickens) Pen of 3 1
Rabbits Pen of 3 1
Lamb 1
Goat 1
All placing animals will receive a ribbon and are eligible to be sold in the auction. The percentage of animals placed are determined by the Board of Directors. Percentages may differ between divisions. Broilers – at least 30% of the division Turkeys – at least 65% of the division
Steers – at least 65% of the division Rabbits – a maximum of 30 pens Commercial Show for Lambs, Goats, and Swine – at least 65% of the division Open Show for Lambs, Goats, and Swine – at least 25% of the division SEE AUCTION GUIDELINES AT THE END OF THESE RULES FOR MORE INFORMATION
The exhibitor must declare the breed of the animal before entering the show. Animals will be classified and sifted by a classifying and sifting judge approved by the Board of Directors. Classification will not be changed after the classifying judge makes his/her decision. Animals are sifted based on weight, parasites (lice, ringworms, active staph infection) and external physical defects as determined by the sifting judge. All animals must be of show quality. Sifted animals must be removed from the show grounds within one (1) hour after the completion of the sift. All sifted animals must be checked out and released by the division superintendent. Sifted animals constitute an entry and may not be replaced by another animal.
All entries will be weighed, tagged, and/or marked where applicable at a location designated by the Division Superintendent. Lost tags must be replaced by an Ag Teacher, County Extension Agent, or Division Superintendent and the replacement of new tags must be reported to the Records Committee. The exhibitor or designee must be present with the animal at weigh-in and must present documentation including exhibitor’s name and breed of animal. If the animal does not meet the weight requirements or if the exhibitor, parent, Ag teacher, or 4H leader has a question regarding the weight of the animal, the animal will be removed from the scale, the scale will be reset, and the animal will be reweighed. The animal being reweighed may not leave the scale area. If an animal is sifted due to not meeting the weight requirements, the animal may not be reweighed at a later time. A five (5) pound tolerance on weight will be given to swine, lambs, and goats. A twenty-five (25) pound tolerance on weight is given to steers. No weight tolerance is allowed for rabbits. Animals are not allowed in the barn until they have been weighed. Likewise, no equipment or supplies (including shavings) are allowed in the barn until animals have been weighed, sifted, and pens have been assigned. Any animal weighed in or sifted for a given exhibitor constitutes an entry and may not be changed or replaced by another animal. The tag identified on the entry must match the validation tag on the animal. If the entry tag number and the animal validation number do not match, the entry is rejected, and the animal is sifted. Breeder tags must be removed prior to the show (Exception: Required Breeder Tags for Major Breeding Show participants)
Floored animals are those animals sent to market. Animals shown but are not eligible for the auction may be floored by the exhibitor or may be taken home by the exhibitor. If an exhibitor has multiple animals eligible for the auction, the exhibitor must choose only one (1) to sell in the auction. The exhibitor may floor the remaining animals or may take them home. All animals taken home by the exhibitor must be released through the Records Department and Division Superintendent.
The Single Judge System is the policy for the Show (Exception: Ag Mechanics). A separate Showmanship Judge may be used to determine Showmanship winners. The decision of the Judge is final in all cases.
All protests concerning the show rules or appeals must be made in writing and accompanied by a cash deposit of $250, which will be forfeited if the protest or appeal is not sustained. The written protest/appeal must plainly state the cause of the protest or appeal and must be delivered to the General Superintendent or his designee. The written protest or appeal must be delivered no later than one (1) hour after the class is judged.
All animals must be fed and fitted by the exhibitor during the feeding and fitting period as listed in Rule
13. All animals must be raised within the boundaries of the Northside ISD for the complete feeding period unless a special request for an exception is made and approved by the Board of Directors. Such requests must be made in writing to the Board of Directors prior to the feeding period and must be approved by the Board before the animal is moved.
Show officials may check any animal during the feeding period for testing purposes. Show officials may require blood, urine, or fecal testing. Feeding and fitting periods are as follows:
Swine – All swine must be state, county, or WGLS validated and must be on feed and owned by the exhibitor at the time of validation until the end of the WGLS.
Lambs -All lambs must be state, county, or WGLS validated and must be on feed and owned by the exhibitor at the time of validation until the end of the WGLS.
Goats -All goats must be state, county, or WGLS validated and must be on feed and owned by the exhibitor at the time of validation until the end of the WGLS.
Broilers – Must be purchased from the WGLS. Orders due no later than September 6,2024. Exhibitor names and wing band numbers must be recorded by FFA advisor or 4H leader and turned in to Records Department within one (1) week after distribution.
Turkeys – Must possess the Official State wing band for the current year. Exhibitor names and wing band numbers must be recorded by FFA advisor or 4H leader and turned in to Records Department within one (1) week after distribution.
Rabbits – All rabbits must be tattooed. 4H leaders must submit exhibitor names and validation numbers to Records Department or WGLS, PO Box 781, Helotes, Tx. 78023, post marked by December 31, 2024. All rabbits must be on feed and owned by the exhibitor at the time of validation until the end of the WGLS.
All commercial division steers, lambs, swine, and goats must be purchased from the Walter Gerlach Livestock Show with appropriate WGLS validation.
Artificial coloring, powder, oil, or other materials are NOT allowed to be on any market animal in the show ring. Electric or battery-operated clippers or other equipment are prohibited from use on animals on show grounds. Blowers, grooming tables, or steer trim chutes are prohibited from use on the show grounds. Head stands for trimming and grooming of goats and sheep are prohibited. This includes all restraining devices, generators, extension cords, or portable tents on the show grounds. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS RULE WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION FROM THE SHOW.
Exhibitors must be an active member of an “invited” FFA Chapter or 4H Club and must reside in the Northside ISD or legally attend a NISD school during the entire feeding period and throughout the duration of the show. (See Rule 12 for animal eligibility)
“Invited” chapters or clubs include: ASTA FFA, Helotes 4H LSO, LSP, and Unlimited Clubs, and Leon Springs 4H. Other clubs may request an invitation from the Board of Directors for the 2024 show. Clubs must be in existence and in good standing for two (2) years prior to receiving an invitation. Clubs that become inactive or become not in good standing may be removed from the invitation list.
Exhibitor must attend an accredited private, home school, or public elementary or secondary school and has not yet graduated from high school.
Exhibitor must personally feed and care for his/her animal for the entire duration of the feeding and fitting period.
An exhibitor attending the NISD Alternative Center may not participate.
An exhibitor who is a 5th year high school student may not participate.
All exhibitors must be between the ages of 9 and 19 on August 31, 2024 or may be 8 years old and in 3rd grade on August 31, 2024.
Exhibitors who are ineligible under Texas Education Code 33.081 “No Pass, No Play” are not allowed to participate in any WGLS activity, including the showing of a project and/or auction. Any project owned by an ineligible exhibitor is also ineligible for competition and auction. This includes Ag Mechanics entries.
Ineligible exhibitors who receive an “honors” waiver from their school MUST turn in the waiver document to the President of the WGLS or his designee no later than 11:00am on Thursday, January 16, 2025. No Exceptions! Waivers not turned in by the required deadline will not be accepted and the exhibitor will remain ineligible to participate.
All rules and regulations governing admission of livestock to shows, fairs, and exhibitions set forth by the Texas Animal Health Commission shall apply to the Walter Gerlach Livestock Show.
The exhibitor must show his/her own animal except when the exhibitor has two (2) animals showing in the same class. If an exhibitor has two animals in the same class, an eligible substitute may show the second animal in the same class without Board approval but must inform the show office of the name of the substitute and must complete a substitute form. Exhibitors who become ill, handicapped, emergency arises, or other reason must receive approval from the Board of Directors for a substitute to show the exhibitor’s animal. The exhibitor or parent must complete the “Show/Auction Substitute Form” and return the form to the Records Superintendent for approval. Forms are available from Ag teachers and 4H leaders. Forms must be fully completed and signed by the Ag teacher or 4H leader. This rule applies for anyone requesting a substitute to show an animal as well as anyone requesting a substitute to sell the animal at the auction. A copy of this form is included at the end of these rules.
The exhibitor must be present at show time and for the duration of the show. The exhibitor must ensure that his/her animal is in proper place and class for judging. The exhibitor must pick up his/her own ribbon as it is being presented. Failure to do so will result in immediate expulsion from the show. Any exception to this rule must be approved by the Board of Directors. An exhibitor that is ineligible to show but shows his/her animal anyway will be barred from any future shows, and all sale monies will be returned to the buyer(s).
All pledges must be turned in to the Records Department and must be accompanied with payment. Buyers at the auction may make additional pledges or add-ons as part of their financial commitment. Pledges must be a minimum of $25 per exhibitor and must be on the approved WGLS add-on/pledge form. Mailed pledges must be post marked by January 31, 2025. Electronic add-ons are open through February 7, 2025. Pledges are not accepted after this date. All exhibitors who have an entry in the WGLS may receive an add-on; however exhibitors attending the NISD Alternative Academy, exhibitors who no longer reside in the NISD boundaries, or exhibitors who are no longer enrolled in school may not receive add-ons.
Any exhibitor who enters an animal not owned by the exhibitor shall not be permitted to show or sell the animal. The person who loaned the animal shall likewise not be permitted to show or sell any animal and will be barred from future shows. In addition, leased animals are not allowed to be shown at the WGLS.
The exhibitor is responsible for being in the proper place at least 30 lots prior to being auctioned. Failure to do so will cause the exhibitor to forfeit the right to auction and the animal will be floored. Exhibitors are not allowed in the auction buyer area. Gifts for buyers and signs are not allowed in the auction arena. Exhibitors may only display awards, ribbons, banners, and buckles received at the current WGLS. No more than two students (exhibitor plus one helper) are allowed in the sale ring. (Exception: Grand and Reserve Grands may have 2 helpers)
All animals must be properly fed and cared for by the exhibitor for the duration of the show and sale. Animals must be watered daily. Medications or injections are prohibited from use during the show without the Board of Directors approval. Rule 2 may apply!
All animals not auctioned or floored must be removed from the show grounds by 3:00pm on Thursday, January 23, 2025. Any animal not removed by this time will become property of the WGLS and will be floored. The exhibitor will receive the floor price of the animal. All poultry and rabbits must be removed within one hour after the completion of the show. All animals will be released by the division superintendent. Animals may not be removed without the division superintendent presence at time of removal. Once an animal is removed from the show grounds, it is not allowed to return. Any animal designated to floor or sell may not be removed from the Gerlach Show grounds. Failure to comply with this rule will result in the exhibitor and family being forever barred from the show.
Each exhibitor must notify their 4H or FFA leader of their intent to sell and/or floor each animal shown. This must be done prior to the close of each divisional show. If an exhibitor has other animals remaining to show and are not able to decide, the exhibitor must inform the 4H or FFA leader of the situation. However, the exhibitor must inform the 4H or FFA leader of his/her intentions to sell immediately following the showing of the last animal the exhibitor owns. 4H and FFA leaders must submit intent to sell lists to the Record Office within 1 hour after the final show ends. Exhibitors not complying with this rule will forfeit their right to sell and their animal will be floored. Exhibitors may be barred from future shows.
All checks will be given directly to the exhibitor at “Check Night” or as designated by the Board of Directors. If the exhibitor is not present, the check will be mailed to the home address provided on the entry card. Checks not cashed within 90 days will be forfeited back to the show. The exhibitor’s “Thank You” letters to buyers must be submitted to the Board of Directors and representatives on February 20, 2025 from 6:30pm – 7:30pm at the ASTA Vickery Multipurpose Activity Center. Individual letters must be written to each buyer contributing funds to the exhibitor’s project as well as to sponsors of any belt buckles awarded to the exhibitor. Each letter must be properly addressed, stamped, and sealed in an envelope with the exhibitor’s return address. If the exhibitor does not provide the letter(s) on February 20, 2025, a 10% penalty will be deducted from the exhibitor’s check. The 10% deduction applies to letters to belt buckle sponsors also. If the exhibitor’s “Thank You” letters are not received by March 1, 2025, the sale of the animal will be voided, and all monies will be donated to the WGLS livestock fund. Failure to send “Thank You” letters will result in the exhibitor being barred from the show the following year.
Any exhibitor showing misconduct such as destroying property, failure to follow directions, disrespect to a Director or adult supervisor will forfeit the right to show or auction and could be barred from future shows. Unethical treatment of animals or use of a shocking device on any animal is considered exhibitor misconduct.
Previously shown and auctioned animals are not allowed to participate at the WGLS. Exception: Bexar County Junior Livestock Show. Previously auctioned animals will be floored, and the exhibitor will be banned from future shows.
There are two divisions: Junior Showmanship (3rd – 8th Grade) and Senior Showmanship (9th – 12th Grade). Five showmanship ribbons with rosettes will be awarded for each division. The Champion of each division will be awarded a belt buckle. The exhibitor must own and had shown the animal in which he/she is using for showmanship honors. Exhibitors must register and wear the provided showmanship number to be considered for showmanship honors.
No more than 2 animal units per division may be purchased for commercial shows.
The ASTA Ag Department and Gerlach Board will contract and purchase all commercial animals (Exception – Poultry must be purchased through major show channels).
Commercial classes will be shown by weight or by the discretion of the Gerlach Board.
There will be a Commercial Show and Open Show within each large animal division
(Exceptions – Poultry and Steers do not have Open Shows). -
See Rule 6 for percentages that place for Commercial and Open Shows.
When a division has both a Commercial and Open Show, the judge will select a Grand and Reserve Grand Champion from the division champions and reserve champions of each show. Overall Grand Champion and Reserve Grand will be determined between the Grand and Reserve Grand of each show.
An exhibitor may show no more than two animal units per show
(1 commercial and 1 open or 2 of either commercial or open). -
The WGLS accepts no responsibility of the animals after the date of the delivery to the exhibitor.
A deposit determined by the WGLS Board of Directors is required for each commercial purchase of hogs, goats, sheep, and steers. The deposit will be required to be paid by a date designated for each division. This deposit will be refunded if the student is unable to get a pen at the project center. Full payment may be made in lieu of the deposit and may be deducted from the exhibitor’s show account if desired.
Validation of commercial livestock will be done by ASTA FFA teachers and the WGLS Board. All commercial livestock will be tagged specifically for the Walter Gerlach Show.
Sifting based on weight limits will be the same for both Commercial and Open Shows.
Parents and show volunteers are not allowed in the show ring for any reason while immediate family member exhibitors are showing (exception: the Show Superintendents may be in the show ring)
Commercial order dates: Mid-March 2025, date will be determined by the WGLS Board of Directors.
RULE 30 DEBT COLLECTIONS NSF returned checks must be resolved within 3 days of notification of the debt. This payment MUST be made in CASH for the balance due plus any bank and/or financial institution related NSF charges. If restitution is not made within the 3-day time period, the WGLS will enforce any or all of the following collection procedures:
Put a hold on the exhibitor’s stock show auction check until payment is made.
Deny the student exhibitor an entry into the WGLS.
Cancel the exhibitor’s order for a commercial animal.
Ban the exhibitor and other family members from exhibiting at the WGLS